October 31, 2023
3 mins

How To Build a Gaming Community: The PRO Guide 

Building a gaming community is beneficial for players, influencers, and game developers alike. Whether for marketing, monetization, or to enhance your video gaming experiences, the trick to growing a loyal gaming community lies in being consistently active and engaged within online ecosystems. This guide aims to be your go-to resource for building an active, engaging, and a strong gaming community. 

Here we'll define what makes a gaming community, strategies for promotion, and the broader objectives of developing such a space. It's important to note that gaming cultures in other parts of the world—such as in Latin America or Asia—often have their own unique platforms and community dynamics. In this guide, we’ll be specifically centered around gaming culture in North America. With that in mind, let's get started!

What Makes a Gaming Community? 

A gaming community is an online space where players and fans come together to discuss their favorite games, share gameplay insights, and engage in numerous activities related to video games. Popular platforms such as Discord, Twitch, and YouTube are pillars of modern gaming communities, offering not just opportunities for fan base building, but also spaces for real-time, engaging interactions between gamers, creators, and audiences.

Examples of strong communities include those built around massive online games like League of Legends, as well as mobile games that have engaged communities of hundreds of thousands. Key benefits include a heightened sense of community, as well as more immersive and shared gaming experiences.
Examples of Gaming Communities 

Here are some examples of common types of gaming communities you're likely to come across in the video game industry.

  • Gamer Community: This is a general category that welcomes all types of gamers, irrespective of the games they play. Whether you're into console gaming, PC games, mobile games, or even tabletop games, a gamer community is a catch-all space for discussion and interaction. Subreddits like r/gaming or forums like ResetEra are great examples of general gamer communities.
  • Online Gaming Community: These communities are focused on specific multiplayer online games and often feature integrated chat systems. These communities are hotspots for forming or joining teams, clans, and guilds–organized groups that participate in team-based or cooperative games like MMORPGs and first-person shooters. Think about the dedicated forums or Discord servers for popular games like Genshin Impact or first-person shooters like Valorant.
  • Sub-Gaming Communities: These are niche communities focused on specific elements related to a game, like fan art creation, modding, or discussing game lore. These allow fans to dive deeper into particular aspects they are passionate about, separate from general gameplay discussions. Gaming mod forums such as Nexus Mods or the recently released Baldur’s Gate 3’s mod sub-forums are perfect examples of sub-gaming communities.  

How Do I Promote a Gaming Community? 

Promoting a thriving gaming community isn't a one-time event but a continual process that demands smart video game community management. The aim is to not just maintain an engaging community but to broaden its reach to a larger audience, making alliances like clans more vibrant and dynamic. Here's how: 

  • Use Discord: Use Discord as your core focus when building an active, engaged gaming community. This platform provides flexibility to create multi-faceted channels designed for real-time chat, live streaming, and exclusive content sharing. These dedicated channels can encourage community members to share their own gameplay, strategies, feedback, and fan art. Keeping your community up-to-date with frequent announcements, developer Q&As, and exclusive perks on Discord can build a strong gaming ecosystem over time.

    Additionally, Instagram and X can serve as supplementary platforms to promote your Discord community to a wider audience through tags, invitation links, and CTAs such as “Join us on Discord.” Showcase game art and updates on Instagram, and keep the buzz going with quick gaming updates on X.
  • Consistently Stream on Twitch or Post on YouTube: Keeping up with a schedule for streaming gameplay on Twitch or uploading game-related content on YouTube can significantly develop an active gaming community. These platforms allow for direct interaction with your audience, answering questions in real-time, and building a more personal and loyal relationship with your community.
    Streaming collaborative gameplay sessions with your teams, clans, or guilds can also highlight the communal aspects of your game, making your community more inviting and dynamic.
  • Create Informative Content: Creating informative content, partnering with content creators, or encouraging volunteers within the community, can be an effective way to boost your gaming community's reach and engagement. Content can range from video content such as gameplay tutorials, community-highlight reels, and tips, to informative blog posts that explore strategies, community activities, and game lore.

    Offering the community the freedom to produce a wide range of content—from game strategy discussions to fan art—serves to deepen engagement in your existing community while also attracting new members.

How Do I Attract People to My Gaming Channel? 

Attracting a following to your gaming channel is about much more than just cranking out fresh content. The real challenge lies in crafting a compelling, positive community atmosphere that can cut through the overwhelming chatter of social media.

To achieve this, you'll want to embrace a multi-faceted approach, encompassing everything from your online persona and content strategy to engagement in tournaments and exclusive offerings. Below, we dive into these critical elements to give you a well-rounded game plan for growing your gaming community.

  • Cultivate a Captivating Persona: Well-known video game streamers like PewDiePie and Pokimane have sustained their dedicated fan bases for an astounding number of years because of their captivating personalities, insightful commentaries, and collaborations. Audiences are drawn to individuals who offer a unique perspective, whether it's through genuine enthusiasm, dynamic sense of humor, or their competitive gaming prowess.
  • Release New Content Frequently: Keep the community engaged and always hungry for more by releasing new content at least once a month. Fresh material keeps people interested and coming back for more, whether it's funny reaction videos, showcasing gameplay patch updates, completing new challenges, or discussing character lore.

  • Tournaments and Esports: If your game involves PvP elements, consider building up a dedicated team to challenge others, or stream yourself taking part in adrenaline pumping competitions. Many game developers such as Epic Games (Fortnite), host their own tournaments and offer details on the game’s official website. Tournament platforms such as start.gg, Battlefy, and Esports Charts are designed for players to find or host their own organized tournaments. Several games also feature built-in tournament modes and special events—thrilling high-stake showdowns your viewers won't want to miss!

  • Offer Exclusive Content: Everyone loves the VIP treatment. By offering exclusive subscriber-only content, game items, or unique insights, you not only reward existing fans but also entice new ones to become active members of your community.

    One popular real-world example of exclusive content comes from Twitch streaming, where the phenomenon of "subscriber-only content" has been quite effective in growing audiences. Streamers often provide exclusive access to emotes, badges, and even subscriber-only chat rooms or Discord servers. The effect is twofold:
  1. Rewards Existing Subscribers: This exclusive content acts as a reward for existing subscribers, making them more likely to continue their subscriptions.
  1. Attracts New Subscribers: The charm of exclusive content can often be enough to entice a regular viewer to hit that "subscribe" button.

  • Maintain an Online Presence Across Multiple Platforms: Don't limit yourself to just one online space. Branch out to other relevant platforms like Steam forums, specialized gaming forums, and mobile apps to extend your reach and offer diverse avenues for engagement, while being vigilant against hate speech to maintain a respectful community environment. 

What is the Goal of the Gaming Community? 

Growing online communities isn't just a numbers game; it's an intricate dance between user engagement and strategic commerce. While fine-tuning your presence across social channels, you're not just throwing a wide net—you're crafting a specialized fishing rod to catch your exact target audience. 

Let's unpack the specific objectives that set a thriving gaming community apart, as not just a fan base, but an active growing ecosystem.  

  • Shared Experiences: Gaming communities are a melting pot for a variety of people. The goal is to provide an active, positive community where everyone can enhance their gaming experience and socialize through various types of content. Through shared experiences, people can make new, meaningful social connections, and find alternative strategies, hidden gems, and tips for their favorite video games.
  • Active Participation and Valuable Feedback: An engaged community offers the chance for player participation and provides valuable feedback for game developers, helping the game go from strength to strength. This real-time interaction is more than just social engagement; it's a treasure trove of insights that can directly inform and improve ongoing game development from finding bugs to developing a successful sequel.
  • Community Guidelines and Safe Space: One of the long-term benefits of a successful community is that it offers a safe space for players. Establish clear community guidelines to ensure that everyone has an ideal, clean experience. Consistent moderation and enforcement of these guidelines make them more than just words on a page; they become the values of your community's culture.

Level Up in Video Game Community Building 

The video game industry is booming, and behind every successful game is a strong community. Creating a strong gamer’s community is essential for the success of any video game. Community building brings numerous benefits including but not limited to enhanced player base, valuable content generation, and a sense of belonging among players. 

For game developers, community building can effectively boost your game’s player retention, while at the same time lowering your cost of acquisition. This is achieved by organically attracting new players through community recommendations, resulting in significant savings on advertising expenditures.

Through effective community management and the right marketing content, even a brand-new community can become vibrant and engaged. With active community engagement, your video game experiences will surely level up from strength to strength. Stay in touch with players and keep the content fresh. Happy gaming! 

Want to stay in the loop on the latest gaming community management strategies, company news, and game releases from PlayGig? I'm Bruno Schirch, Founder and CEO of PlayGig, and I'm committed to sharing cutting-edge industry insights, updates, and my entrepreneur journey with you. Head over to my contact page to connect directly with me, or join me on Instagram and X. Let's keep the conversation going and ensure you're always in the know!